Friday, November 13, 2009


Okay so this is my first official blog!! I really have no idea what I'm doing, but it seems that anyone can post anything online just about.
I guess my purpose is to feel like I say things I need to get out, but just can't say to people.
I'm 26 years old and since yesterday I have felt 13 all over again. This isn't one of those great I'm being silly and fun. It's more of a, why don't I understand life moments.
You know you have friends and your friends have friends, but did you ever really think they would never get along? I mean what's with ultimatum's? Should I really call another person's feelings an ultimatum?
I was always taught that everyone deserved their own opinion, but growing up it was my parents opinions that counted!! I feel like a child that was told she was wrong. I hate to be wrong, but maybe I am.
It's days when I feel 13 years old that I just want a completely different life. I wanna trade a while with someone who I think is better off. I mean who couldn't handle the paparazzi for a couple of weeks?

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